Water Intake and the Benefits of Proper Filtration

The body is 35% solid matter and 75% water. 85% of brain tissue and muscle is water. A mere 5% drop in water levels in the body causes 25-30% loss of energy. It can also cause headaches and cause your metabolism to slow down. Remember when you worked at the office and your movement break would be to walk to the water dispenser? Think of how much more water you drank then, vs now being at home and having to actively think about drinking more water. More importantly, think about the difference in water quality you may be consuming. Perhaps at home you are drinking straight from the tap with no filtration system. Not only does the hard water stain your glasses, but it is also not the best option for ingestion.


Although North American drinking water is considered clean when compared to the drinking water in to other places, it CAN be contaminated with bacteria, pesticide residues, fluoride, chlorine, medication, hormone residues and lead - which are all toxic to the body.

Now would be a great time to purchase a water filter. Some great options are:

Jug option:

Santevia (reduces contaminants and restores essential minerals to help balance body’s pH)

Counter Top:

Berkey (removes toxins and chemicals)

Reverse Osmosis system

(option be installed when social distancing is no longer an obstacle)

Tips to increase water intake throughout the day:

-       Set a reminder on your phone.

-       Drink with a straw.

-       Replace ice cubes with frozen fruit.

-       Boil water for an herbal tea.