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We sat down with Benchmark Group Certified Trainer Nathaniel Ho to chat Resistance Training:

Resistance training is when muscles of the body are contracting under tension using weights, body weight or other equipment to help hypertrophy, strength, power and endurance depending on the individuals goals. To break it down hypertrophy is for maximal muscle growth focusing on higher volume (more repetitions). Strength focuses on increasing load (weight) placed on the muscles. Power focuses on both high force and velocity (how fast the weight is moved). Last but not least endurance is to help produce and maintain force production for longer periods of time.

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When resistance training, it is very important to start off with compound movements. Compound movements are movements that involve multiple muscle groups at once. Some examples would be the squat, deadlift and bench press. The reason you should start with compound movements is because it allows the body to lift heavier weights while you still have the most energy. Always start with the toughest exercises first, then move on to the individual muscle groups later in the workout.

In addition, there are a lot of physical and mental health benefits that will come from resistance training. By improving muscle strength and tone, it can help your body protect joints from injury, maintain mobility and balance in everyday life, and help improve posture. It helps with weight management, the more muscle you gain the more calories you burn. It may help reduce or prevent cognitive decline when aging, control chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis and depression. Lastly, it will help improve sleep quality, self-confidence, body image and mood.

At the end of the day, resistance training can help improve the quality of life as a whole. Don’t be scared to go to the gym and hit the weights.